HPSTS, the OPP and the 8-36 School Bus Operators Association have been providing a School bus safety program for many years that sends a consistent message to all students in all HPSTS Consortium Schools.
The Fall Elementary program includes a Bus Evacuation Drill with bus Evacuation video, in-class safety program, student participation in a rear door emergency exit drill, and a demonstration of a side window evacuation by the School Bus Company Safety Team and helpers.
The Spring Elementary program includes a Winnie the Pooh video for students starting JK, an in-class safety program, and a School bus ride for students and adults demonstrating how to enter and exit the bus safely, bus safety features, bus rules, and each family receives a handout detailing bus safety, inclement weather, and answers to frequently asked questions.
School Bus Safety Week
School Bus Safety Week is held the third full week in October each year. Huron Perth Student Transportation Services reminds all drivers to be extra cautious around School Buses and in School Bus Loading Zones. During School Bus Safety Week, School Bus Operators will be continuing with our fall School Bus Evacuation Program, which helps to educate students in emergency procedures and how to safely evacuate a School Bus if required. As well, Specialized Transportation Drivers, Monitors, and School Bus Operator Staff will be participating in a Specialized Vehicle safety and evacuation program.
Pre-School/Early Years Bus Safety Program
The annual Pre-School Bus Safety Program is presented, in conjunction with the HPSTS, Huron and Perth OPP Departments and the Bus Operators in May and June prior to the students starting the following September. It provides first time riders, and their families, with an introduction to school bus riding procedures and safety through a videotape presentation, question and answer session and a bus ride for all the family. It is a program open to eligible riders from rural schools throughout the district. Contact the Huron Perth Student Transportation Services for more information.
- A Pre-School Bus Safety program will be coordinated by the HPSTS General Manager and scheduled by the School Bus Company.
- The schedule of dates will be drawn up between the School and the School Bus Contractor and dates are to be provided to HPSTS.
- The O.P.P. Community Services Officer or the local police in a town School will participate as available.
- The program will last approximately one hour and includes a video, a bus ride and crossing the road with the bus, with refreshments served afterwards as determined by the School.
It is the responsibility of each elementary School Principal or designate to ensure the following are supplied when they arrive at your School:
- Two responsible senior students (grade 7/8) to assist with the program;
- Name tags for each child – first name only;
- Milk or juice and cookies for each child as determined by the School;
- Coffee or juice for the Parents or Guardians as determined by the School;
- A TV and a VCR/DVD/Projector
Bus Evacuation Program
Each year during the months of September and October the HPSTS, Huron and Perth OPP Departments and the Bus Operators conduct the Bus Evacuation Program at rural schools throughout the Huron and Perth Districts. This program was initiated to help students evacuate a school bus in an emergency situation. After a short video, buses from the school will simulate an emergency evacuation.
Coordinated and scheduled by the School Bus Company and School Staff with dates and times provided to HPSTS.
Assembly in Gym (including Teaching Staff)
- Review bus riding responsibilities and review the “BUS RULES” Sign (eating/anaphylaxis) by School Bus Company Safety Team.
- Importance of evacuation plan in case of an emergency and stressing the importance of older students taking responsibility.
- Video
- Discussion
- Hydro wires and engine fire
- Bus moving (School Bus Driver collapses)
- Use of Radio & Identify all Safety Equipment and Lights
Demonstration in Bus (Students and School Bus Drivers)
- Complete a rear door evacuation
- Demonstration of a side window evacuation by the School Bus Company Safety Team and student helpers (as required).