Policies & Procedures
- A1: Abuse Reporting (download)
- A2: Accident Preparedness (download)
- A3: Alternate Transportation (download)
- A4: Anti-harassment and Anti-discrimination (download)
- B1: Booster Seats (download)
- B2: Bus School Purpose Vehicle Accidents (download)
- B3: Bus Stop Review Safety Criteria (download)
- B4: Behaviour Intervention Plan - Transportation (AODA-IASR) (download)
- B5: Bell Time Changes (download)
- C1: Child Safety Seats (download)
- C2: Children's Aid Accommodation Program (CAAP) (download)
- D1: Discipline Reporting (Temporary Removal of School Bus Riding Privileges) (download)
- D2: Dispute Resolution - Student-Parent/Guardian (download)
- F1: Field Trips-Excursions (download)
- H1: Hazard Review Safety Criteria (download)
- I1: Inclement Weather (download) UNDER REVIEW
- I2: Individual Transportation Plan (AODA-IASR) (download)
- M1: Medically At Risk Students on School Buses (Individual Medical Management Plan) (download)
- M2: Missing Students (download)
- M3: Monitors and Educational Assistants on the School Bus (download)
- NEW! M4: Musical Instrument Procedure March 2024
- O1: Out of Boundary Students (download)
- R1: Responsibilities of Parent or Guardians Paid to Drive their Children to from School (download)
- S1: School Bus Safety Initiatives (download)
- S2: School Bus Safety Programs (download)
- S3: School Year Calendar (download)
- S4: Support Plan -Transportation(AODA-IASR) (download)
- S5: Safety Restraints (download)
- S6: Service Parameters (download)
- T1: Transportation of Students with Special Needs (download)
- T2: Transportation to and from Special Schools and Centres Provincial Schools (download)
- V1: Video Cameras on School Buses (download)